What we do

Action for Tinnitus Research will continue to support promising research aimed at improved understanding and treatment of tinnitus and other closely related hearing problems.

We believe that everyone should be able to choose between sound and silence, and that our personal well-being is influenced by our ability to control all sources and causes of noise.

We commit to the funding of scientific and medical research with the support of investigative communities worldwide, the dissemination of results to the general public and the provision of awareness and educative information for the long-term benefit of all stakeholders and particularly for people with tinnitus and their families.

Action for Tinnitus Research aims to raise public awareness of tinnitus, as well as provide information that will be of benefit to family doctors, hearing clinics, hearing specialists and health authorities.

On 5 May 2004 we launched the first National Tinnitus Awareness Day in the UK, in support of Deaf Awareness Week.

How you can help us
We are dependent on donations to fund research. There are many ways you can give your support, from giving us a donation to remembering us in your will. You can also become a friend of Action for Tinnitus Research. We also need volunteers to help with campaigns, and social research.

If you have severe tinnitus, live in the UK and are not shy - we would like to hear from you. We may even need you to become a media spokesperson - and talk to the press about your tinnitus.

Tell your friends and family about us. You will be surprised how many people you know either have tinnitus or know somebody who does.